Read & Learn some Physics Formulas And Definitions In Simple Way

Learn some Physics Formulas And Definitions In Simple Way

Chapter - SI Units And Constants

Topic - 1. SI Units

SI base units

Unit Name - Symbol - Quantity                             

Metre - m - length                                    

Kilogram - kg - mass                                      

Second - s - time                                       

Ampere - A - electric current                    

Kelvin - K - temperature                          

Mole - mol - amount of substance                    

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SI derived unit

Name - Symbol - Quantity

Radian - rad - angle

steradian - sr - solid angle

hertz - Hz - frequency

newton - N - force, weight

pascal - Pa - pressure, stress

joule - J - energy, work, heat

watt - W - power, radiant flux, electric power

coulomb - C - electric charge

volt - V - voltage, electrical potential difference

farad - F - electric capacitance

ohm - Ω- electric resistance, impedance

siemens - S - electrical conductance

weber- Φ - magnetic flux

tesla - B - magnetic flux density

henry - L, M - inductance

degree Celsius - °C - temperature

lumen - lm - luminous flux

lux - lx - illuminance

becquerel - Bq - radioactivity

ampere - I - electric current

coulomb - Q - electric charge

ohm meter - p - resistivity        

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Topic - 2.Standard Prefixes

 Standard prefixes for the SI units of measure

Name             Prefix             Factor

Deca               da                    101

hecto               h                     102

kilo                  K                     103

mega               M                    106

giga                 G                    109

tera                  T                     1012

peta                 P                     1015


Deci                d                      10-1

Centi               c                      10-2

Milli               M                     10-3

Micro             M                     10-6

Nano              N                      10-9

Pico                P                      10-12

Femto             f                       10-15

Topic - 3.Fundamental Physical Constants

 Fundamental Physical Constants

Quantity - Symbol - Value                       

Planck constant  -  h  -  6.62 × 10-34J.s        

Atomic mass constant  -  u  -  1.66 × 10−27 kg

Avogadro's number  -  N  -  6.022 × 1023 ·mol−1

Boltzmann constant  -  k  -  1.38  × 10−23 J·K−1

Molar gas constant  -  R  -  8.314  J·K−1 mol−1

Speed of light  -  c  -  2.99 × 108  m / s

Charge of electron  -  e  -  1.60× 10−19  C

Coulomb constant  -  K  -  8.98× 109 N m2 C−2

Proton mass  -  mp  -  1.67 × 10−27  kg

Neutron mass  -  mn  -  1.67 × 10−27  kg

Electron mass  -  me  -  9.11 × 10−31  kg

Acceleration due to gravity at Earth’s surface  -  g  -  9.8  m/s2

Newtonian constant of gravitation - G - 6.67 × 10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2

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Maddheshiya Ji 



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