Read Chapter 2nd of Class12 Biology

Read and learn note of biology subject

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Pre-Fertilisation Events
● Several hormonal and structural changes result in the
development of a flower.
● Inflorescences bear the flower buds, and then the flowers.
● Flowers are the reproductive parts of a plant.
● In the flowers, the androecium (male reproductive part) and
the gynoecium (female reproductive part) develop.

See figure in ncert Figure 2.1

● The androecium consists of whorls of stamen.
● The stamen consists of the filament ​(long and slender stalk) and anther​ (bilobed structure).
● Filament is attached to the thalamus or to the petal.
● Anther​:
○ A typical anther is bilobed and each lobe is dithecous
(consists of two theca).
○ Theca are separated by a longitudinal groove running
○ The microsporangia are located at the corners, two in
each theca. They further develop to form pollen sacs,
which contain the pollen grains.

See figure in ncert Figure 2.2

Structure of microsporangium
○ The microsporangium is surrounded by four wall layers
(epidermis, endothecium, middle layers, and tapetum).
○ The outer three layers are protective and help in
dehiscence of anther to release the pollen grains. The
tapetum provides nourishment to the developing pollen
○ In the young anther, the sporogenous tissue forms the
centre of each microsporangium.

See figure in ncert Figure 2.3

● It is the process of formation of microspore from PMC (Pollen
Mother Cells).
● As development occurs in the anther, the sporogenous
tissue undergoes meiosis to form microspore tetrad.
● Each cell of sporogenous tissue has capacity to give rise to a
tetrad. Hence, each cell is a potential pollen or PMC.
● As the anther matures, the microspores get detached from
each other and develop into pollen grains.

Pollen grains
● Represent the male gamete and are spherical, having a
two-layered wall:
○ Exine (outer) − Hard layer made of sporopollenin,
which is extremely resistant and can withstand high
temperatures, acidic and alkaline conditions, and
○ Intine (inner) − Thin and continuous layer made up of
cellulose and pectin
● Mature pollen grain contains two cells:

Vegetative cell − Large with irregular nucleus, contains
food reserves
Generative cell − Small and floats in the cytoplasm of
the vegetative cell

See figure in ncert Figure 2.5

● In 60% of the angiosperms, pollen grains are shed at
2-celled stage while in others generative cell undergoes
mitosis to form two male gametes (3-celled stage).
● The viability of pollen grains after they are shed depends
upon temperature and humidity. It ranges from 30 minutes
to few months.

Gynoecium and Formation of Female Gametophyte
The gynoecium represents the female reproductive part of a
● It may be mono-carpellary (one pistil) or multi-carpellary
(many pistils). In multi-carpellary, the pistils may be fused
in one (syncarpous) or free (apocarpous).
● Each pistil consists of:
Stigma​ − Receives the pollen grains
Style​ − Elongated, slender part below the stigma
Ovary​ − Bulged basal part containing the placenta,
which is located inside the ovarian locule (cavity)
○ The placenta contains the megasporangia or ovules.

See figure in ncert Figure 2.7

● The ovule is attached to the placenta by the funicle​. The junction of the ovule and the funicle is called hilum​.
● Each ovule has one or two protective layers, called
integuments​, which cover the rest of the ovule, except for a small opening called micropyle​.
● The chalaza​ lying on the opposite side of the micropyle end represents the basal part of the ovule.
Nucellus​ is present within the integuments and contains reserved food. The embryo sac​ or female gametophyte is located within the nucellus.

● The megaspore mother cell (MMC) g ​ ets converted into megaspores by the process of megasporogenesis.
● The MMC is large and contains a dense cytoplasm and aprominent nucleus. It undergoes meiosis to produce fourmegaspores.

Female Gametophyte
● In most flowering plants, only one megaspore is functionalwhile the other three degenerate.
● The single functional megaspore develops into the femalegametophyte. This kind of development is called monosporic
● The nucleus of the functional megaspore divides mitoticallyto form 2 nuclei, which move towards the opposite ends,forming a 2-nucleate embryo sac. Two more mitotic divisionsensue, leading to the formation of 4-nucleate and 8-nucleate
embryo sacs.
● After the 8-nucleate stage, the cell walls are laid down andthe typical female gametophyte (embryo sac) gets
● Six of the 8-nuclei get surrounded by the cell wall and theremaining two, called polar nuclei​, are situated below theegg apparatus in the large central cell​.
● Three of the six cells are placed at the micropylar end andconstitute the egg apparatus (2 ​ synergids + 1 ​ egg cell​).
● The synergids have special thickenings at the micropylarend. These are together called the filiform apparatus​. It
helps in leading the pollen tubes into the synergids.
● Three cells are at the chalazal end, and are called antipodalcells​.
● A typical angiosperm female gametophyte is 7-celled and8-nucleated at maturity.


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